Sunday, January 2, 2011

We Are All Equals :)

A few weeks ago someone posted something along the lines that we're all equal on facebook. I replied in my usual cynical manner and put it out of my head. However today while in a semi-conscious state - this sentence popped into my mind again. Being half-asleep I gave it a few brain-cycles and spat out a result.

The surprising answer (to the naive at least) - No we're not equal. Not even if we remove the 'stuff you deserve' part of it (if I work hard, I deserve not to be equal to a person who lazes about all day). Not by any useful metric. Lets go through the circle of life shall we ?

Birth - If your family is rich, you were born safely in a hospital. Your mother may have gotten a C-section because she doesn't want to push you out in the normal manner. If you were born in a 3rd world country, you were probably born in the ruins of a home - and may have a few diseases as well

Gender - Congrats, you're either a boy or a girl. Genders are not equal. Women are better at some things (they're more emotional then men unless they're Vulcan), and men are better at some things. Also thanks to sterotypes - you're going to be in a 'male' or 'female' job.

Starting Wealth - When he was 4, the son of a [famous celebrity] had a real ferrari car. When I was 4, I had a peddle car with 'ferrari' written on it.

Potential - If my family is rich, I can leech of them while I get the best education. If I want an education. If I don't want to just take their wealth and use it instead. If I'm poor - and i'm unlucky enough to live in a country without free education - I will be a burger flipper :)

Comfort of Life - Are we even joking about this? See Potential Section.

Employment - If you're lucky enough to have your parents' contacts or the ability to use them to push you up a few ladder rungs, all the best for you. If of course your parents are rich enough to own their own company, you can just parasite off that.

Fame - Some people are famous because they worked for it. Some people are famous because their parents, or partners are famous. Hooray.

Death -This ranges from "Getting blown up by an apache by accident" to "Dying of cholera" to "Dying alone and sad" to "Clogging up google's searches because you were good at acting"

So there, we're not equal. Not by a long shot. You thought this was a fair and just system?

The Llama 

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