Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Years Resolution

My New Year's Resolution
So, its been 5 days already since 2011 graced us with its presence. I'm sure many of you made resolutions. So, 5 days from now - how many of you are keeping to the resolutions?

Probably not too many...

There is a reason for this. Firstly, 1st January is not a special day of some sort - won't give you magical powers of willpower. Secondly, the most common resolutions all require large lifestyle changes. The most common ones are quitting smoking, and losing weight. The first one is pretty difficult - not only because its addictive, but probably because your social circle also smokes, making it even harder. The second one requires lifestyle changes and planning - starving yourself 'works' for a day or two. Until your body starts complaining. (Note: I'm not suggesting that anyone starve themselves, its bad for you).

So if you want to make drastic changes to your life - don't bother with 'special days'  - if you've been procrastinating it this much - chances are you don't have the force of will to pull it through. So be serious about it instead - make plans - if you're going to do a drastic change - you need some pretty drastic planning.

Regards, and happy 2011
