Thursday, January 6, 2011

Browser Wars...

Last week, it was discovered that Firefox is now Europe's most popular browser.[1] 

Also since a month or so, with all the new browser versions coming out - we get lots of very interesting articles such as: [Browser X is the fastest browser according to benchmarks made by CompanyX] and [Browser Y is the most secure browser against social engineering attacks]. I am not joking about the last one.

So, looking through this mess of claims against claims, what can be ascertain? For one, the javascript benchmarking is a pretty useless way of doing things. For most end users, the speed will make no visible difference. Each browser is optimised for different javascript uses - which is why every benchmark gives a different answer.

Secondly, most browsers now support the same features, with very tiny differences between them. Most browsers realised the importance of addons and all major ones support them. And appearance wise....

Kinda look exactly the same don't they? They is barely anything to choose between them.

So what's the point of fighting over which browser is best? At least this way we're all gaining. We're getting the better browsers. Any feature missing in one browser can be found quite easily as an addon in another.

So in conclusion - there is no difference which browser you use - as long as you use a modern one and not IE6 or something.

Out of interest, here is a pie chart which shows the browsers people use to view this blog.

The Llama