Friday, January 21, 2011


Racism is one of the most hotly debated things in Malta, with all the illegal immigrants and all that. Nobody wants to be called a racist because as earlier stated we are all equals.

So, first I would like to change the name. I don't like the name Racism - because for a start its too specific, and it makes no sense. We're all humans. We all belong to the same race. Secondly, even if you take ethnicity into account, most of Europe is ethnically similar. If I think Italians are inferior to Maltese people - that's called Racism - even though we are ethnically equal and I am more than probably genetically similar to Italians. Thirdly, if I don't like you because you don't believe in the same God as I do, then again, that has nothing to do with your race.

So instead I shall be using the term "Cultural Partitioning". I'm sure there are other terms, and note that I'm not a sociologist by any definition of the term.

Now, lets face a simple fact. People enjoy being with people who are similar in some way to them. I prefer the company of people who like to discuss, share my interest in computers, or share my other beliefs. If you force me into the company of people who aren't similar to me, we probably won't get along.

When you have a large amount of people living together - you need to ensure that they will get along. So you implement some culture, some way of ensuring that people will always get along. Like religion. It also implements in the culture some basic knowledge which is required to communicate with other people. Such as language.

The problems arise when you have totally different cultures.

When you try to shove different cultures together and force them to live together. When this happens, a culture has to change, or the culture segregates itself automatically.

A good example of this are the Chinatowns which can be found throughout the world. Not all of them are due to segregation - people enjoy being with others which are similar.

When a culture attempts to integrate totally, one group needs to change. Either the new culture loses its identity - speaks the new language and acts like the natives.
Or the old culture suffers as the culture is nullified and replaced. A good example is this case:

So yeah, I didn't speak about 'racism' as , for example, not allowing black people to work in offices - because we all know that system is incredibly stupid, and anyway, the capitalist model doesn't support it.

I am simply stating that for groups of people to live together in peace and harmony, everyone needs to lose their cultural identities. So its very stupid when in order to fight for their integration into Maltese society, they form their own lobbying group. When you create visible partitions - OF ANY KIND - you are increasing cultural partitioning.

That said, are we all eager to lose our cultural identities? To have global laws and remove local ones? Hell, we won't even need countries anymore. I can think of one social class who would just love for that to happen.

The Llama

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