Saturday, December 25, 2010

Happy Capitalistmas :)

'Twas the night before Capitalistmas, when all thro' the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;

A few kilometers away, a merchant smiles with glee
"What shall I buy for myself, let us see
With the profits I gain that this season brings
I will be able to buy a great many things"

And the mother stayed worrying, suffering the stress
"Did I buy for my kiddies the very very best?
Will they be happy with the expensive game -
shooting at people and calling them l4me?"

In a dimly lit room, owned by a company of fame
Stood people in tuxes, toasting with champagne
Celebrating the stupidity, of people who thought
That they make a difference with the generic gifts that they bought

And a man sat down worrying, reading down a list
Worrying about the few people he missed
"Will this person, offended be?
If he doesn't receive a generic gift from me?
This family here, I must buy them a few,
if they give me a present, what shall I do?
And these presents here, let they be hidden
Put them in here with the labels unwritten
In case someone comes, here unexpected
Will give him one, so he feels not rejected

And come Capitalistmas morning, and the children sift
Through the rubbish and the wrappings, to get the best gifts
As they located the most expensive thing
They feel the 'joy' materialism can bring

And many shops open, with signs "Xmas Sale"
Stuffing coupons into people's mail
"Look, more things you can get for your cash.
Things that by next year will be in the trash"

And away, certain children, hungry and poor
They remain this way, while rich kids get more
Nobody has given us a single thought
While instead they worry about the gifts they bought...

The Llama - 25.12.2010

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