Monday, February 14, 2011


Well since today is valentine's day, and since Ian did remind me of my ideas about this (by claiming love does not follow a logical pattern), I will be blogging about this topic now.

Many people make claims that love can't really be defined, that you must 'feel it in your heart' (by extension, that its an emotion), and that it does not follow a logical process. So time to prove those people wrong.

So first step would be defining it, so that we may make conclusions upon it.

So, I will be defining love as:

"A measure of the ratio between what X a person is willing to lose, in order for another person to gain Y." Obviously X and Y both need to be 'measured' by some sort of pseudo-metric, which will be dependent on the situation and the person in question.

The point however remains that if A loves B, then A is willing to lose some sort of advantage to surviving/superiority in life, in order to give this advantage to someone else.

This definition can easily be extended for any sort of love (love for a country, love for a philosophy), and it can easily be extended to hatred (losing something to give someone else a disadvantage). Now if you have any problems, or mismatches with particular exemplars, please feel free to comment. Friendship isn't really love, its symbiosis, as you are expecting something in return.

Having said that, lets see the point of love. Its really quite simple actually. You recognise a person as being worthy of your love - generally you will love someone who is 'superior' to you, and by doing so, you are increasing their chance of survival at the cost of your own. (Remember, these things are primitive). If a person is loved by multiple people, then this person will have more chance of survival. If a person is rather inferior, nobody will ever love them - less chance of survival.

Of course, the mating part is the icing on the cake - remember, nature does not bother with individuals, it only cares about the species. If a superior creature can survive for as long as possible, and spread their genes - evolution will work faster. Hooray for the Inductive Bias of Nature!

On a personal note, I would like to declare my love for my Lady Gabriella and wish her a happy Valentine's Day.

The Llama

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