Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Valentine's Day!

So, apparently it's St Valentine's day soon. I know this interesting fact because special offers, competitions and the like have been spammed at me recently.

So, lets see. St Valentine.. I wonder who he was. A quick Wikipedia search reveals that there were multiple Saints called St Valentine, and apparently we don't know much about them.

Apparently one of them was beaten, stoned and had his head cut off for trying to convert the Emperor. Lets make out!

To be fair, this day was traditionally reserved for fertility celebrations - such as Lupercalia, where we used to run around naked and whip women with leather whips to make them fertile. Load of fun and games.

So how did it turn from that into a day where you're forced to buy:

1. A card
2. Flowers
3. Some very expensive item like a weekend break, massage or whatever?
4. Chocolates
5. Mobile phones (Yes, I received an email from my Mobile Provider.. go figure)

I am basing this impression based on the ton of spam on my Facebook wall.

I'm sure it went something like this:

"Person A: People are celebrating this feast of love - which is purely spiritual and not materialist in any way"
"Corporate Exec: Can we sell crap to them?"
"Corporate Underling: I'm on it!"

And as a result, now we have to dish out more money to help the economy. Hooray.

If you truly love your partner, then you don't need a bunch of large companies tell you what, and when, you should celebrate this love. If you want to buy roses for your lass on Pi Day instead, or buy her a video camera on talk like a pirate day, then do so.

Women like it when you do different things and surprise them. Or so I'm told.


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