Thursday, December 23, 2010

Consumers of the World Unite - Part 1b - The Problem Continued

I realise it should have been part 2, but I have an addition to make to the problem.
There is an extra problem with corporations nowadays. Namely that certain of them believe themselves to be above the law - or manipulate the law for their own gains - including bullying people in order to make money.

There are tons upon tons of examples, but I shall give a few of them which surfaced just a few days ago.

Example 1: RIAA and MPAA getting national security to take down a number of sites from the internet under 'secret conditions'. They hit a few websites which had done nothing wrong at all, since this was done without a proper court order or evidence collection.

Example 2: "Filesharing Bullying". As you may or may not know, IP addresses aren't a perfect way of working out who a person is. They just grab a few IP addresses of filesharers, get their details and send them a letter asking for money or they will sue them. In many cases, the people are not the filesharers, and the companies which attempt to extort money know this - however its more expensive to contest it in court than it is to pay up.

Example 3: Just happened yesterday. MPAA and RIAA are teaming up with Mastercard in order to block payments to websites they allege are copyright infringing websites. Obviously, if they are illegal, you should take them to court and get them taken down. But of course large corporations and lobbyists are above the law. That said, its every right for Mastercard to refuse service to whoever they want - so that part is totally legal. However it shows how much we depend on corporations. If credit card companies want to kill off a site - they can.

Part 2 will come soon. Be safe.

The Llama

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